The Chinese version of EcoTaxa was officially launched

The Chinese version of EcoTaxa was officially launched

EcoTaxa is a web application dedicated to the visual exploration and the taxonomic annotation of images that illustrate the beauty of planktonic biodiversity.

As a visitor, you have free access to the images that have been already identified by taxonomy experts. You can explore the database by navigating along the UniEuk taxonomic tree, which aims at unifying taxonomic names and tree according to reliable and curated molecular phylogenies. Then images can be filtered according to several criteria: location, depth, date and time of sampling, and imaging instrument.

As a scientist, you can contribute to the richness of this image database and/or to the collaborative taxonomic annotation effort. Images are organised in projects which should be consistent in terms of sampling and imaging techniques. We provide tools to support the annotation of large image datasets by supervised machine learning prediction.

The particle module is designed for the Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP) and LIIST instruments. It allows to: (i) import particle data, CTD records and zooplankton images to be annotated in EcoTaxa; (ii) compute size spectra from the particle data; (iii) download the resulting spectra, associated CTDs and zooplankton identifications; (iv) visualise data and promote their existence by sharing links.

Main interface of the Chinese version of EcoTaxa website

Retrieve the interface of EcoTaxa

Project classification interface of EcoTaxa

Complete system tree classification

Particle size spectrum
